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'Tis The Season To Be Lit Up By Your Life: A BIG SIS ANNOUNCEMENT

Listen to your big sis AND life coach.


Your big sis has news. Big, epic life-changing big sis news.

After years of dreaming and scheming and hoping and praying—I'm ecstatic to announce that I'm finally



Well, sort of.

I'm "giving birth"—you see—to a new season OF LIFE. (Don't worry, sweet kittens. I'm not being serious. I might live in LA now, but I'm still a NEW YORK CITY BITCH who will never ~EVER~ compare anything to CHILD-BIRTH, in earnest. If I do—kindly drop me off at a pizzeria in a Long Island strip mall and inject my veins with Vinny's famous meatballs 'till I get it together).

What I mean by "news" is still very exciting (and still *very* LA, tbh) though. Here goes: big sis (as in me, duh) is ONE MONTH shy of completing her *official* Wayfinder Life Coach Training and Certification Course—under the ~tutelage~ of New York Times Best-Selling author and Oprah's very own life coach, the iconic MARTHA BECK. (Check her out on the latest two episodes of Glennon Doyle's "We Can Do Hard Things" podcast!).

(Check out the above image of OPRAH casually holding up Martha Beck's latest book—THE WAY OF INTEGRITY, which I couldn't recommend more).

And here's where ~you~ come in, my darling dearest readers, friends, and frenemies alike!

For the next month as I take the final steps in the dense nine-month certification process—I'm offering Life Coaching sessions at some pretty sick price points. Sick as in$49 for a full one-hour session—talk about a big sis hookup.

If you book a package of four—you get the fourth session for free ~AND~ a free copy of my debut, critically acclaimed book: GIRL, STOP PASSING OUT IN YOUR MAKEUP in either audio or hardcover format. That $149 for four one-hour, one-on-one coaching sessions and a $26 book on the house! OOOH WAY TO GET MORE FOR YOUR M-O-N-E-Y, H-O-N-E-Y. I'd recommend booking now because these prices will *exponentially* increase upon graduation.

You can learn more about my life coaching qualifications, approach, and ethos—as well as check out some client testimonials—here.

But in a sweet nutshell here's what I do, at the core:

I help people fall deeply, madly, unequivocally in love. With themselves. So they're always free. Free to walk away. Free to say yes, to say no. To burn bright; to sparkle unapologetically.

But mostly; free to go after a life that lights them up for real.

So what are you waiting for? BOOK HERE, BABY!

I also offer free ten-minute consultations if you want to vibe-check first.

Can't wait to work with you!



Your lesbian big sis and LIFE COACH


Protect your fucking sparkle or GET IT BACK with one-on-one life coaching sessions with Zara:

Change your writing and change your life with one-on-one writing coaching with Zara. I'll teach you how to write like a bad bitch and live like one too.


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