4 Life Coach Sessions for $330
What could happen if you *truly* lived up to your incredible potential?
Service Description
I believe that ~consistency~ is the single most *important* action you can take in moving the needle in every aspect of life: healing, love, career, relationship to self, adventure, living a life that aligns with your *core* nature. Committing to four sessions means you're serious about showing up for yourself, and I want to honor that commitment by giving you a session on the house. That's why I've priced a four-session bundle for the price of three stand-alone sessions. The beautiful thing is that while you might have an overarching goal you wish to achieve over time—each session will always be tailored to suit where you are each week. By which I mean, we'll start by identifying how you want to *feel* or what you want to *accomplish* during the session. For example—you might want to feel less anxious and more excited about an upcoming opportunity. Or maybe it's ~clarity~ you're looking for. Or you're ready to put your boots (or platforms) to the ground and create a clear-cut action plan that'll take you from point A to point B. Whatever it is—I *got you.* Next, I'll ask you powerful questions that will help you access your wise intuition and then we'll explore expert techniques and creative exercises—or utilize ~tangible tools~ designed to guide you to wherever you want to go. Each session ends with "homework" ("lifework") to keep you accountable—as well as a mantra to keep you grounded in your truth. Anyone who commits to this plan receives a complimentary audio recording of my debut book: GIRL, STOP PASSING OUT IN YOUR MAKEUP: THE BAD GIRL'S GUIDE TO GETTING YOUR SH*T TOGETHER. *I'm a certified life coach who graduated under the ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited life coach program: "The Wayfinder Life Coach Training Program," created by Martha Beck, PhD, America's leading life coach, speaker, and NYT bestselling author of multiple books.
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